The Galactic Empire exiled Han Solo for killing a member of their high consul. Master Yoda attempted to help, conspiring with Princess Leia. He gave her a potion that made her appear as dead, so she could eventually escape with Han together, but Han never got the memo. By his own light-saber Han Solo killed himself out of grief for the loss of his loved one Princess Leia.
Never has a story so tragic like this happened before in the galactic Empire. Even Darth Vader’s turn to the Sith wasn’t as horrible as this turn of events. So far people in the Galaxy have done their best to try and prevent making foolish decisions, saving the galaxy from having heavy hearts.
Princess Leia and Yoda worked together to make a plan so that Leia and Han could be together. I expected more from Yoda, a very old wise Jedi Knight, I doubt that he couldn’t foresee the flaws in his plan. Leia also should have seen what would become of the event, what grief she would cause her family, who would assume she was dead.
Yoda sent a reliable assistant to give the letter to Han, but that too didn’t work as the assistant couldn’t get to Han in time and told Yoda only when it was too late. Yoda involved too many people, he should have delivered the message himself.
In the end Yoda and Princess Leia made many costly mistakes. The mistakes led to misunderstandings. The misunderstandings led to a homicide and multiple suicides. Leia and Yoda’s conniving led to the death of Luke, Han and Leia herself. I expected better from too leaders, if they were not so careless these tragic events would have never taken place.
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